Reviews Redesign

Introducing color product variation thumbnails on product browse that lead to a 6.7% lift in GMV.
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Project Overview
In the e-commerce space, reviews are critically important for users to make informed decisions about what they want to buy. Given Houzz’s prominence in the e-commerce space, we wanted to focus energy on making sure the product review section of the product page helped users to get opinions on products they are considering.


After doing an audit on the control review experience and taking a look at the competitive space I began to put together designs. Once I narrowed in on my approach I shared them with the team and we talked implementation. We then QAed the designs and began testing!


On, the treatment was ramped to 100%. We saw a  6.7% lift in GMV and a 4.7% lift in order numbers. This experience was then tested on on mobile devices. Given this success, we tested the designs on for desktop devices and saw similar success.

Product Designer
E-commerce UX

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